Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eyeing an eye

I was curiously eyeing about eyes. Accidentally I eyed on this topic which is interesting.

The eye is a unique window into health and It's the only place in the body where, without surgery, we can look in and see veins, arteries and a nerve. The eyes' transparency explains about common eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration and these can be detected early with regular eye exams. Eye doctors sometimes discover other issues, like diabetes or high blood pressure during eye check-up. The eyes can tell you about cholesterol, liver disease or diabetes, if you know what to look for.
Disappearing eyebrows
Brows tend to thin with age naturally. But with thyroid disease, the brow-hair loss isn't evenly distributed; it's a selective dropout on the ends. There's usually a loss of hair elsewhere on the body, too, but the brows are so prominent, it's often noticed here first.
A style that won't go away
The vast majority of the time, a small, raised, often reddish bump along the inner or outer eyelid margin is just an unsightly but innocuous style (also called a "chalazion"). But if the spot doesn't clear up in three months, or seems to keep recurring in the same location, it can also be a rare cancer (sebaceous gland carcinoma).
Bumpy yellowish patches on the eyelid
Xanthelasma palpebra, the medical name for these tiny yellow bumps, are usually a warning you that you may have high cholesterol. They're also called "cholesterol bumps"—they're basically fatty deposits.
Burning eyes, blurry vision while using a computer
What it means: You might be a workaholic, and you definitely have "computer vision syndrome" (CVS). The eyestrain is partly caused by the lack of contrast on a computer screen (compared with ink on paper) and the extra work involved in focusing on pixels of light. What's more, by midlife the eyes lose some of their ability to produce lubricating tears. Irritation sets in, adding to blurriness and discomfort.
Bing Search: Body Health 
Does the problem worsen in the afternoon (when the eyes tend to become drier)? Is it worse when you're reading fine print (more eyestrain)? People who wear glasses or contacts tend to be bothered more by CVS. "Sometimes the problem is made worse by a fan positioned so it blows right in the face," the AAO's Iwach adds, noting that the air further dries tired eyes.

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